Critical thinking is like having the mind of a lawyer. even more, might be more of the mind of a deadly snake in a struggle. however, is thinking that is free from error is a good thinking?
Argument which maneuvers matters into contradictory position...something can be shown to be false...even if its completely false...the garbage has to be chipped away by a skilled exercise of critical thinking, in laying the...TRUTH. why?
our traditional thinking system...based on the so called "truth"....uncovered by that certain logic and argument..the result? is the strong tendency towards negativity and attack..
What I love most about your blog, INBOU, is that I can escape into your world of infinite fantasy but real infinity. You talk about negativity... and I was thinking the whole day about suicidal mentality. How Cho massacred 33 innocent souls in Virginia Tech, USA, the other day... what is my own understanding about the whole tragic episode in the history of American violence as depicted by Hollywood crappy movies?!
I do not understand anything unless Allah Subhannahu Wataala blesses me with that gift of knowledge to understand reasons and logic that comes with the solutions to problem-solving ideas of greater dimension, innovation and wisdom. I am now in a negative mood of rejection and isolation.
I guess this is probably the exact emotion that the suicidal and merciless Cho might have felt?!:( WALLAHU A'LAM BISSAWAB (Only God Knows the Best and ALL-KNOWING!)
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