So how have you been bewitched?
Are we thinking as much as what we are seeing? Blindly following was the only choice left out of our new world. Unthinking personnel are robots with artificial intelligent. The proud cultural heritage which actually is a form of mental numbness, where human lead lives for thousand of years.
A favorite writer of mine has always reminded his readers of a simple fact. “Thinking Removes the Spell on People”.
An unthinking person's mind is benumbed, his sight becomes fuzzy, he acts as if he does not see the facts before his eyes, and his faculty of judgment weakens. He becomes incapable of grasping even a plain truth. He cannot be fully conscious of extraordinary events taking place right beside him. He does not notice the intricate details of events.
Thinking is also a form of liberty. Its independent, free choice… Yet you find it difficult, resulting in coming up with only blank. You are free to do anything. But total freedom makes it tough to choose. Freedom… Absolute freedom of choice… Glorious freedom… Dream of absolute freedom… But when it comes on a silver platter, do we know what exactly to do?
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