I can't really remember on when was the last time I properly wrote something here. I was so into writing on boobiesmommies101.blogspot.com, and I am officially an obsessed mom.
Yes, I could be that lion queen..always protecting her cub. I could even be the great queen of egypt, who would do anything to make sure that her child will be crowned as the ruler of roman.
Yup, that's how passionate I am about this new role that I'm holding on to. Almost a year ago, I gave birth to this little creature...an offspring of my own. Each day, I keep on wanting to improve our life. Just to make a better future for my progeny.
I worked hard, I quit that job, we migrated, I'm pursuing Masters in Construction Law, I'm trying to write an award winning research paper, I'm trying to get a better job, I'm trying to obtain more knowledge in parenting, I'm trying....
OWH~??? u quit your job~? wah3~ see... i missed a lot of your stories..
but still, wish u happiness every seconds in your life.. :)
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