“Bloggers are liars, Bloggers are women... All bloggers are liars, they cheat people using all kinds of methods. From my understanding, out of 10,000 unemployed bloggers, 8,000 are women.. Bloggers are unemployed. Bloggers should never deserve a real day job. Women are liars. Women are unemployed. Yada yada yada”
-quote from many many blogspots, which I looooove to visit.
The war of MOUTH armed with spiteful WORDS. The so called GOOD vs the called EVIL. The RIGHT against the WRONG.
As a Blogger, I did get offended by those statements. Moreover, as a women, I got hurt even more, thinking that educated people does not know on how to appreciate women. The situation is totally different from Pink’s song, “STUPID GIRL”…
But as a human, I got more offended by the idea of these intellectuals or brainy people having to argue over those hurtful statements. Politicians, Ministers and government officials being condemned by the most rational thinkers. Then in return, these people that was being condemned come up with another statement to the public, in which most of the times does not give the answer (apologies) demanded by the intellectuals.
However, I believe that everyone is entitled to express their opinions as much as their right to vote or not to vote. Also this should interpret that the blogsphere are just places for people to express their opinion. Should one opinion be argued upon, then it should be called a forum, a dialog, a debate or even a philosophical gathering. And for it to actually work better, you should have a face to face dialog and test each other’s real wit. The dare to say something harsh to someone’s face.
I was once told by a wise person on the internet that “WINNING AN ARGUMENT OVER THE INTERNET IS LIKE WINNING THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS”. At that moment, I did laugh my head off. However, not as I grew older, it made a whole lot of sense. The conclusion there, either way, if you win or lose in the argument over the Internet, you are still a retard.
Why I dared to say so? Because in the end, it might be just a matter of philosophical war. And if we follow the usual sequence of philosophical discussion, usually we will, in the end find that….. “THERE IS NOTHING GOOD OR BAD, BUT THINKING MAKES IT SO”.
I cannot really remember who said that, but I do like the sound of it. If you probe too much over a topic, an object or a person… you will tend to find the good and bad. The perfect and the flaw. However, if u still ponders upon it for too long, u might find that manure smelling as sweet as the rose, or tend to believe that too much sugar can never cause diabetes.
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