After i started breastfeeding my own child, i realized the wondrous creation of got. how the heck did the milk get suddenly its being produced in the alveoli(sounds like pasta name eh?) and flow faster as the suckling child desires.
Yet there are still many misconception regarding the knowledge of breastfeeding. How something so natural can be so misunderstood?
So i decided to start a breastfeeding blog..actually its more of an online library of mine. collection infos regarding breastfeeding. Its something that I'm using as a quick ref for personal use and now i decided to share it with some friend on a breastfeeding forum.
Since i don't really have that much of $$, kachiiing or moooolah... to do charity. i just feel obligated to share my knowledge with other. with that i hope that i get Allah's blessing & miya will be proud of me.