The minute she found out that she have a “mini me” in her womb, her mind instantly grew heavily pregnant. Her 5 weeks pregnant mind carried the 1001 thoughts of a 9 months pregnant lady.
“This cannot be”, she thought. Such thought sound like a dread, yet she is happily smiling.
“This will ruin my plans of the next 3years”, she added, yet she just feel like jumping with joy.
“I’m not ready to be a mom”, she fretted, yet she is excited to tell the whole world that she is pregnant.
“This better be worth it”
* Her weight at 5 weeks pregnant-38kg (pretty much underweight, even for a petite woman)
That was only her few most common thoughts within her 6th week of pregnancy and that was also when the dreadful 1st trimester’s most awful morning sickness lurks in the body.
“Who was the smart@$$ named this thing as morning sickness, while the sickness lingers the whole day?” she said everything she holds her head over the toilet bowl to gag her guts out.
“This is worst than being bulimic and so I promise myself that if I ever have to deal with overweight problems, I won’t resort to bulimia”, she console herself.
“This better be worth it”
*Her weight at the end of 1st Trimester- 32kg (skins & bones, even the dog wont be interested)
Luckily, the Oby/Gyne specialist that is giving care for her is a very understanding and charming mature man. From the numbers of his “silver” collection on his head, he could be in his 50’s… or could he be younger, but the stress (of being a person that have to rush in the middle of the night to deliver babies) has turned its back on him?
Why she chooses him to be his Oby/Gyne? In her pregnant mind she thinks that men never really know how pregnancy and labour pain feels like and so they will be very very very sensitive over the complaints that pregnant ladies have to “shout out”.
Then 2nd trimester came. As expected and as written in the book “pregnancy for dummies”, the 2nd trimester is more of the honeymoon period for the ladies. She has the appetite of a hungry t-rex and she can eat like a one with not guilty consciences hanging over your head. She can take a nap at anytime of the day, without other people being judgmental. She can laugh or cry when she feels so without feeling crazy or fragile. She can shop at anytime she wants without worrying her husband complaining about the credit card bill. She even attends a professional exam held by the Charted Institute of Arbitration and passed with flying colours. She reads. She knits. She is cheery at most of the time. She has this glow. She cried happily when the baby gave its first kick.
“This is worth it!” she shouts.
*Her weight at the end of 2nd Trimester-44kg
3rd Trimester came. She bloats, yet she gloats. She farts with her whole heart. She sneeze and she pee. Her feet are swollen and most of the time it feels like its broken. So she frets as she dreads. She foregoes high-heeled shoes, she foregoes big bags, she foregoes make-ups… and so She foregoes fashion.
“Ah..None of my shoe fits.”
“Oppsie..i gotta poopsie..Oh no..it was just gas.”
“I think I need to pee again in the next 5mins. This is my 3rd pee session in 30mins”
“F@&k*&g traffic jam, I gotta pee!”
“My back hurts”
“Damn you Braxton Hicks!”
“I got sleeping problem, I have to wake up every hour to pee.”
“Okie, none of my pants fits. Can I wear sarung to work?”
“Oii anak, no kicking pls or else mama will pee in her pants again”
“My back hurts.. I can’t sleep”
And the most famous line she repeats like a broken record....
“Are we there yet?”
On 36th weeks she keep on saying, “I feel like eating risotto”. The hubby asked “when and where?”. She asked “where can we find a real good risotto?” The hubby answered “I dunno I’ve never had risotto before.” This dialog repeated everyday until the 38th week.
*her weight-48kg (proudly looking at her hubby and said that’s the heaviest she have ever been)
She went for a final check up at 38th week on a Saturday morning and she declared to her Oby/Gyne, “I think we’re ready. Don’t you think so too?”. He smiled and said, “if nothing happens, come in on Monday night say 9pm, we’ll see what’s next.”
Happily she went home and had a nice dinner at Zenbon Zakura Kristal with her husband, parents, her favorite uncle and auntie. They ate, they laughed and they were all merry.
The next day she did her usual chores. Hoping to get most of the housework done before she goes into labour. “Laundry, checked. Kitchen, checked. Bathroom, checked. Guestroom, checked. Study room, checked. Floor….floor. I think I’ll rest for a while and do some knitting,” she told herself. They had lunch and after that she decided since it’s only around noon, maybe she can take an afternoon nap and do the floor later.
Its 4pm when she woke up asking herself “is that a braxton hicks or real labour?”